Monday, March 30, 2009


Just got done reading a post by Ozzie. He talks about the importnace of assertivness but what exactely is assertivness. Assertivness is leaving your mark. He dicuses saying statments instead of questions. Not trying to fill in the quiet moments because you should trust that what you said was worth being disucces. You make statments and you do not care abou tthe reaction. They key speak but do not try to impress. Quote Ozzie

Most guys struggle to fill in the gaps of a conversation with girls. In my case, I want to say my bold statement, something I really feel like saying and let them talk.
It is very counter intuitive because most guys find it hard to stop talking after they say something bold. They feel they must “explain themselves”, more like “apologise themselves” for having a spine. I force them to shut up and listen to the girls. It works. This single exercise here is responsible for most epiphanies on day 1 on my live program. Guys cannot believe what just happened. They expressed themselves honestly around a girl and the girl loved it.

DO this


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