Tuesday, July 28, 2009

time to start loving myself

I have contally been looking into self improvemtn to fix my quirky uncalibrated ways. I have done so so much that it is not fun anymore. I am no longer letting people meet me but instead giving them the fake pu version of me i think they want. I don't want to do this any mmore. I dont want to be in my head any more. I am done trying to figure out what people want and instead going to let them meet me. Its time to celebrate me instead of waiting to build the perfect product of me to put on the market. This means no in my head over what i said. No more question how i am going to be in a certain social scenario. just pure trust in me.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Peace from within

Just finished having an incrediable talk with my buddy Johnny. Theory Being Geunine with people reminds u how we are all 1 and not unique. Being real allows us to be one with everone and the earth. This creates state. You loose state when you seperate yourself from the world. As you are more real with the world, the more value you give and allow people to get to know you. Ill write more later.. One could think then how do you be unique arnt we all unique? No we are not unique. As we become more grounded with the earth and one with all we began to become expression of joy. This makes us much more attractive to everyone and we are now value givers. What are we value giving? The reminder to all that they do belong to this beaitufl planet of earth and they get to feel the strenth of not being seperate from the whole.. So how do you be guine? You be real about the fact that we arnt seprate as a species. You no longer have to hide yoru insecurites infact you get to praise them becasue others get to see their own humanity in you. You become a source of strenth and inner calmness.




Restructing my beliefs

I have realizd allot of my core beliefs about women have been terribly wrong. I came to take value and never offer any. What has this produced in my life? A ton of quick enjoyment at best but no real relationships. How can i bless others if i dont let them get to know me.

My mission- To offer value to people i meet and be genuine with them.

How do i do this- Get to know them. Present a calm energy. Stilness. I am a protector of others. Before i was there to proect myself through them. Those days are done. Being a listener just as much as a talker. Enthusiasm. PLayful ness. But the core of me is comfort.

Great opners now- Hey how we doin? Im Mark , these come in the moment trufully but based the intro on a curisity in them. CONVEY Interest ! Doing force conversation just chill and enjoy... Most imporantly TRUST



Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I had it backwards... With people start with comfort and inject playfulness into it. which = genuine. If you start as pure self amusning, how will you enjoy their personallity? You wont because you are unrealatable. Instead just greet yourself and as the converastion conitues inject the playful into it. This leads to comfort for both and a flirty mindset. The pu world strays from this because we are comming from a needy mindset. Once you are a cool man you need to become genuine. By far the most imporant blog i have ever written.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The fear of scucess

I realize at times i have a fear of sucess. But really what is sucess? Does it make me happier? No.. Trufully when i becoem a work alcholic to the point i am not enjoying life i am rally feeding my ego. I become obssed with the future instead of living in the now. I refuse to live life waiting for massive sucess in anything. Cause trufully its all an ego and one i am done feeding. THe now does not care for possesion or thigns of future or path. In fact it doesnt care for words, God is greater then words. We can just sit in awe and be hubled by the fact we can partake in this great thing called life.



Half dome prepare to get owned

Yes i will be doing half dome in hopefully 6 weeks lord willing i can get a camp ground. I have had 2 twice now get laid out by the moutain not again. I am comming back with full vengance. I am running 3 times a week and doing abbs the other days. My goal is to run 3 9 min miles in 6 weeks. Its not wicked fast but it shold have me in good enough shape... To be continued...

Callibration of friends

Well i finally got back into the scial thing. i have been working 16 hours straight for 9 days and no that was not including school. I felt quite nervous and misscalibrated. Why? I had not been working my social muscles. I will never let it get that bad again i promise myself. It did help me have a great break thoguh. TO get callibrated spend time with your good friends. I am findning myself becomming allot more calm and not talking as fast or feeling the need to feel in quite moments. I belive this is happening from spending time wiht lvoes one who love me regardless of anything else. I am going to make it a mission to spend allot more time with my love ones.

CHeers Christ is king "My confidece derives from Christ not myself"


Friday, July 10, 2009

HOW YOU FEEL Trumps everything

You get to a point in this stuff where no longer does it matter looking into body langue tonality or anything else. State is the only thing that matter. How you feel is all that matter? So how do you feel better? 1) dont take your self serious 2) stop anlaying 3) Love life 4) Fall in love with the moment




Monday, July 6, 2009

social dynamics

Recap what i know... I am not a fan of looking for outside advice in this area since i feel i have a great udnestanding and creating my style my way is the only thing left to do.

I am adding to this as i see fit

1) HAve fun ( this means do the things you truely want to do.. Dont go to an event to be social go because it makes you feeeeeeeell gooood..
2) voice tone br or nr ( Never Tr voice tone)
3) Be relatable not in a tr way but so people can relate.. i have become to much better at allowing people to get to know me
4( leading frame
add on- Dont tell storys about things you dont care to talk about instead its ok to have a silent moment... You dont want to fall into entrainment man which happens so easily when you are trying to block silent moments
5) man with intent- take what you want dont hesitate
6) friendly
add on - Truely what trumps everything is how you feeeell... Example last night i went to a social gatherning... I didnt feel good or care to be there... Result was borning conversation and no fun

Question is what to do when in these- 1) rember why your here (to have fun not social dynamis) 2) dont take yourself seriouslyyyy!!! its ok your going to have awkward moments 3) Dont force yourself to do things you dont care to do for the name of socialiation 4) DOnt talk to fast in these conversation just chillll... CHILLL.... CHILLLLLLLL.. CHILLLLLL

7) let your true desires dicate your own action not the influence of others or an ego
8) Its better to have 1 awesome girl like you for you then 50 like you for something your not
9) more is not always better
10) look for a playful persoanlity
11) look for adventerous mindset
12) look for optimisium
13) look someone who is loving
14) value giver
15) loyal all the way
16) loves god
17) enthusatic about life
18) easily relatable

We always talk about improving ourself at a certain point ...now its are turn to have expectations that people must be met. I am no longer a dude with an unabudnat lifee. I am a down to earth guy that seeks value giving people in his life. I dont have time for value takers.



My buinsess course

Well my bank account is at about 1250. But finally its time to start making the money and stop spending it. I have invested well over 2k into buinsess adventures lately and now its time to stop spreading myself so thin. My buisness profit aveneus are

1) Dog rakeback
2) Winning 1-4 first place on sign ups
3) weekly tournaent hence the server
4) PLaying online poker -- funny i never get to do this one any more

I have almost completed all the projects and am about to get to enjoy the money comming in. Last mission is to get this server functioning.

Cheers to successful buinsesss


Advetnues into the wild

Just finished watching "Into the Wild" The book hit my man hood to its core. I can't help but feel a deep connection to the main character in the movie. Alex belives that the core of every man roots in adventures. I belive eveyr man should live a life full of adventures. What else are we suppose to be doing? The difference between me and ALex lies in the fact that he wanted to get away from people while i want to get mixed up with people. He disoveres the truth to hapiniess at the end of the movie when he writes "Hapniess is only real when its shared with others" I truely belive this is the case. I don't my life to be rooted with fake and phony relationships. I want genuine relationships and i want to invest myself into others. I feel their is no greater joy then to be entwined with people. Seeing this movie has flamed the fire within me to build more and more relatioships and live the most adventerous life i can. What is in store for my future? Possibly a dog, moving constally, living way out side of CA, buisness adventures, advenutues with interesting and genuine men and women, and a church life to root me. Adventures times are on their way

