Monday, July 6, 2009

Advetnues into the wild

Just finished watching "Into the Wild" The book hit my man hood to its core. I can't help but feel a deep connection to the main character in the movie. Alex belives that the core of every man roots in adventures. I belive eveyr man should live a life full of adventures. What else are we suppose to be doing? The difference between me and ALex lies in the fact that he wanted to get away from people while i want to get mixed up with people. He disoveres the truth to hapiniess at the end of the movie when he writes "Hapniess is only real when its shared with others" I truely belive this is the case. I don't my life to be rooted with fake and phony relationships. I want genuine relationships and i want to invest myself into others. I feel their is no greater joy then to be entwined with people. Seeing this movie has flamed the fire within me to build more and more relatioships and live the most adventerous life i can. What is in store for my future? Possibly a dog, moving constally, living way out side of CA, buisness adventures, advenutues with interesting and genuine men and women, and a church life to root me. Adventures times are on their way



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