Saturday, July 26, 2008

I am a inet/TV addict

Hey Guys

Been doing allot of soul searching latey and i going to be blunt and honest I am a computer addict. I dont watch to much tv but I might as well throw it in. I really didnt realize how bad it was until i started thinking about why i have trouble ammusing my self in sets. My world is wrapped around wasting a crap load of time doing nothing. I literally spend a huge! chunk of my day playing on the computer and finding dumb shit to laugh over or searching for a get rich scam on the net. Also i watch a crap load of south park! Its a bunch of junk that doesn't benefit me or allow me to bless others. So i am going to be honest when i say I am a computer addict. SO now its time to take action but where to start? I am going to start by not allowing myself much time on a computer. I am going to only use the computer when i have something i need to get done. This will elimate all the blank space that gets used trying to figure out how to enterain my self on the computer. So i am no longer going to use the computer to enteratin me but instead as a tool to get work done. I have also decided to stop playing online poker. I am a profitable player but it does nothing good for me. I might as well spend that wasted time doing something in the real world. I am also thinking about building a site for fellow people that are TV/Computer addicts to help keep motivated on quitting this addiction. I know it sound dumb but i have realized this is a serious issue for me. If i want this world of traveling, abundance, and incrediable expiereinces i need to get off my ass and starting creating them!

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