Saturday, December 27, 2008

The man on fire !

So who am i? I am a man on a mission..... I am congruent with my inner desires as a man.. I am a leader it it makes me hard... IT is what i was put on this planet to do... I was not put here to look for Validation or WAIT for daddy to give it to me... My own approval is overwhelming sufficient and its mine ! When i go into a set... There is a burning flame that has been lit all day.. As i open my mouth, the flame momentarily takes a more fierce form.. I cant help it! My body, mind and spirit knows that i am doing what so few real men have had the balls to do. Take what is mine! The flame soon turns into a seemering hot coal.. Her body cant help but lean in towards me. There is nothing that she desires more then to be taken by a Man. She constally test my congurenecy. I am oblivous to these test because they are less then a whisper in my head. I pull her over to the corner and began to enjoy the deeper roots of her. I allow her to do the same to me. No over the top illogical statment, just peer POUDNING OF Passion! Our eyes are locked like 2 life forces that are only allowed 1 more minute together. SHe opens her mouth for quesitoning. THis is not the moment for that. I grab her hair and pull her torwards me. She smells so good... and in this moment she is all mine. We lip lock and thrust are pelvises together. What has only been 1 minutes seems like a lifetime, I pull her to my car " The chariot of Destiny" .. The night will lead to the one gift that only humans have the pleasure of truely enjoying. THis night will not end with one winner and one looser. Just 2 humans that listenined to their inner desires.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Attraction is not an option

So you want attraction all the time?

Attraction from a women comes from the state you are in... If you are truly to your core happy in that moment then SHE WILL FIND YOU ATTRACTIVE! So how does this work in a deeper sense? A man that draws his energy and enthusiasm from within instead of from an outside sources will automatically get attraction. So i am going to give 2 examples of a natural happy MAN vs a FAKE HAPPY PUA man

Fake happy PUA man
1. He sees girls and she makes eye contact with him. He smiles and walks over. He says Hey whats up im' Mark. She hesitates .... FAKE HAPPY PUA smile leaves for a second and so does his energy. She immediately looses interest and begins to blow him off... Shame on Fake Happy guy...... He got caught in a lie

NOw my main man NATURALLY happy man

2. He is smiling way before he sees girl. This is his world and he is overwhelmed with enjoyment. He sees girl and his smile increases. He walks over and says hello Im Mark . She hesitates for a second and frowns.. " In her head she is asking her self.. Can he be for real? Is his happiness dependent on what i think of him?" As she frowns Marks smile gets bigger! "Mark doesnt care about a frown.. He knows the inner her is kick ass!" Wack! her frown terns into a smile. She now knows he is for real.

People mirror what others expect of them. If you believe they are just a bitch prepare to get a bitch back If you truly believe that everyone deep to their core is kick ass. Prepare to enjoy a world full of kick ass people.

Cheers and lets enjoy this abundant world

Johnny Shine
Tim LA Bootcamp Alumni 2008 May30- June 01
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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Bodog Rakeback yes!

I have been receing rakeback from Bodog for about a little over a month here is pictures proving it.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Accomplish Accomplish Accomplish

So this is the first time in a while that i have had a little time to write. Lets get straight down to buinsess. Lately i have been seing how as man it is vital to take what is yours! So as a man what is yours? Simple whatever you want! We give are selfs a million reasons why we cant have something when it actuallity it is that mindset that sets us apart from all the chodes. When it comes to women, taking them is that easy. Espcially in the night club scence. You have permission to grab her (claw her). It amazes me how easy the chode mindset comes in and goes you have to woo her to like you blah blah blah. No she already likes you now its time for you to like her back ;) ESCALaTE ESCALATE AND ESCALATE. You may think well i will wait for her to make it happen! NOOOOO take it NOW its yours. Always progress to where you want to go!! Same thing when it comes to other areas of life. Screw worrying about what people think just go on your mission. This has got me fired up because i see how easy it is for me and other to get off are mission and start listening to the chodish world mindset of you need permision to do anything. This mindset is bull shit! Guys its time are world gets engulf with us being the leader instead of being led. Go conquer shit regardless of how small it is. There is seriously something very rewarding when you accomplish things and stay on your path.

Cheers and go slay a Bull

Johnny Shine

Friday, August 1, 2008

You are your own project and its up to you to put it together

In the world of social dynamics it is very easy to began to get so engulfed in comparing yourself to other people success in order to create your own that you stop being you and try to be someone else. I have found this happen to me on a few occasions. I start seeing these dudes that have massive game and i believe i need to act more like them. The truth is that these gurus got so good because they created their own unique style that fits them. In a way they kept working on the only project that matters them selfs. This last sentence may sound really basic but i firmly believe it one of the main reason some guys game plateaus or never takes off. We forget to think for ourself and how we work and instead of taking tips/mindsets/ideas/ from the gurus we try to impersonate the guru. Are focus always needs to be on what we can implement into us and what does not fit us. Thats why i love RSD so much! They have a different array of instructors and each one has his own unique style. These guys are here to share their knowledge and help us each put are own puzzle piece together. You may find like i am that each one of these guys has certain things that I am and that im not. Its great we have these guys cause they definitely assist us in putting are own puzzle together but at the end of the days it vital to remember are puzzle is completely different that anyone else. And thats what makes us all KICK ASS!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I am a inet/TV addict

Hey Guys

Been doing allot of soul searching latey and i going to be blunt and honest I am a computer addict. I dont watch to much tv but I might as well throw it in. I really didnt realize how bad it was until i started thinking about why i have trouble ammusing my self in sets. My world is wrapped around wasting a crap load of time doing nothing. I literally spend a huge! chunk of my day playing on the computer and finding dumb shit to laugh over or searching for a get rich scam on the net. Also i watch a crap load of south park! Its a bunch of junk that doesn't benefit me or allow me to bless others. So i am going to be honest when i say I am a computer addict. SO now its time to take action but where to start? I am going to start by not allowing myself much time on a computer. I am going to only use the computer when i have something i need to get done. This will elimate all the blank space that gets used trying to figure out how to enterain my self on the computer. So i am no longer going to use the computer to enteratin me but instead as a tool to get work done. I have also decided to stop playing online poker. I am a profitable player but it does nothing good for me. I might as well spend that wasted time doing something in the real world. I am also thinking about building a site for fellow people that are TV/Computer addicts to help keep motivated on quitting this addiction. I know it sound dumb but i have realized this is a serious issue for me. If i want this world of traveling, abundance, and incrediable expiereinces i need to get off my ass and starting creating them!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Trying for Rapport

So i am going to keep this short and sweet,
It is easy to try for Rapport when you go out allot. Not just in your voice tone but when you talk to
people. Do not let this take place! It is needy and it will not get you results. Jeffy's number one rule
Is do not give a damn what anyone thinks. This rule is used in order to elimanaite the need for repoar which will help one get massive results.. I find I seek repoar in allot sets.. I try to to get them to like me instead of not giving a shit.This is not a rule that elimaites ones from finding common thing to talk about. By not seeking valiation it makes the other person have to put work into the converation so you dont have to carry it which always leads to bad things. SO screw seeking repoor and AMuse yourselfs


Johnny SHine

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Week of in field GLORY Exp.....!

So been hitting the clubs around 3-4 times a week. This article is built to focus on the areas i need to work on in field.

First thing is energy levels. I need to work on a energy level that others can relate to and that i feel comfortable being at. The last 2 nights i have really focused on my energy by lowering it. I have enjoyed this allot more and my sets are more 50 v 50 instead of me giving 95 and them giving 5. I am going to continue working on my energy level.

Second thing is being genuine when i am in a set. What i mean by this is allowing me to be myself and express where i am at in that particular moment instead of trying to be something i may not be. For example if i am having a blow out night walk up to a set and embrace it and say I have no friends. It it much more fun for me to talk about this and it seems to have a positive effect on sets. The key i have found is when you say this be playful with it. When being genuine, you begin to treat yourself as number one. This has a great effect on your sets because you are no longer looking for validation which makes you more playful. Also when I am not genuine, i find i come off as entertainer guy which is the last dude i want to be!

3rd thing is humor. I need to work on just amusing myself in sets instead of trying to humor the girls. When i try to humor them, it comes of needy and leads me down a road of lameness. SO self amusement is huge. I also want to find ways i can amuse myself more in sets. I will be looking to find some cool stuff in field and write a whole article on this.

4th thing is pushing my sets harder. I have had a couple example where i should of kept plowing on my sets or hell it went really well and i could of closed if i kept pushing it. I need to take advantage of these opportunities. I think allot of times i don't because i get use to opening so many sets and I get use to the same routine of open hook and then ...... And when it goes past there you forget the mission is not done ;) So push my sets harder

Anyways more to come mates enjoy!

Johnny Shine

Monday, July 14, 2008

How the ego gets fed by complaning

Hey whats up guys

So i let the ego get the best of me today and feed my pain body. What started as a small frustration i allowed to build into a huge one. This took place because I began to complain to my friends in order to feed my ego. By complaining to my friend I feed their ego, which put my ego under the attack. This didn't fix the problem but only made me connect more painful emotion to the scenario which intensify my ego and allowed it to feed off the hurt which i was creating. In a way my friend and I's ego's were sparring and this brought nothing but unnecessary pain. My friend listed the ways I should improve which instantly brought out their ego and made mine feel attacked. I have no one to blame but myself. The great thing about this scenario is the learning experience which took place. It allowed me to see that feeding my ego by complaining may feel good at first but ends in misery. I've decided not to discuss my frustration or complains to my friends but instead mediate on them and accept them for what they are. What are these frustrations? Just moments in my life I'm not happy with. The best way to handle these frustration is to accept the unhappiness and come to the realization that one cant change them. The process is mediating on how the scenario made you feel and then accept that unhappiness. By accepting the unhappiness with the particular moment the ego can no longer get fed. This acceptance allows you to no longer connect yourself to the scenario which frees you of the pain. By accepting the pain and coming to acceptance with the scenario you are allowed to go back to the only place that really exist the NOW. I am glad this happen because it reminds me to be present and to not indulge my ego in past events which have no place but as memory's.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lets stop training and go EXPERIENCE !!!


Whats up people!!! I have began to live by a new way of thinking when it comes to going out or even learning skills or even fitness. I don't see things as training any more but instead as experiences. I have found that when i view something as training i don't enjoy the experience as much and the focus is all on results instead of new experiences. I find that when i view things as training, i began to put a perfectionist mindset on myself and I miss out on times I could of enjoyed if i stooped focusing on the goal and just enjoyed the experience. Let me give you an example of what i mean by this. When i would go out to clubs, I viewed all interaction with others as traning instead of new experiences.. Allot of nights regardless of how well or not well I did I was disappointed in myself and really didn't enjoy people because i was more focused on my GOAL then on the experience. I didn't come out to enjoy people but instead to reach a GOAL that secretly i knew would take me years of painful grinding to achieve. The problem ive found with this mindset is that I thought that once all the painful training was done i would be happy because i had reached that GOAL. Well if you have ever studied martial arts, lifted weights, or even social dynamics you know that the path is never ending. You are always learning new things in your field and to belive their is a ending to your path is foolishess. When you view things as tranining, you dissalow your core man to truely belive that the vision of greantess you have formed in your head can be you. Instead you plan to reach a certain level and then walk away happy with some results. In a way you vision yourself as a poser that can leave someones elses art at any time. I have seen this allot in guys that study pick up. They make goals of getting so many hot girls and then finally their quest can come to an end. The goal was actually just an ego boost instead of a change in their coreman. I can speak on this because this use to be me. I would go out 3 nights a weekto train with the ulimate goal in mind. Truthfully I didn't believe to my core that i was good with women i just belived i could manpulate them into beliveing i was. My problem was simple i was looking for a quick fix because i didnt enjoy my journey since it had all these goals that i could never meet with the mindset i had! So i saw pick up as a quick fix with the intentions of boucing out as soon as i recieved a certain level of validation. There was 2 problems in my particular scenario. For one i viewed going out as pick up instead of just social dynamic (but this is not the article to get into that) 2) I hated everything to do with pickup since my coreman new i was being fake with people and that this was not me. This goal mindset disallowed me to belive this journey could continue my entire life because deep down i belived this would just be another stage of life that i would eventually give up on. When i let go of the traning and just saw going as what it truely was an experience true enjoyment began to come my way. This new mindset has allowed me to love going out and my social skills are growing by leaps. Now as imporant as it is to see things as new experiences do not use this mindset to become lazy!!! but instead as a new way to think So to sum this up lets began to see things for what they truly are new experiences and I firmly believe through seeing thing as experiences enjoyment will come and we will adopt these things as part of our life style instead of a quick fix program.

Cheers to Glorious Times
Johnny Shine

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Deeper level identy idea when it comes to home

Hey mates!

I have been pondering this idea for some time and am curious on peoples thoughts on my theory .This is all theory but thats the fun of it ;) The idea is that home is really a society bread thought and that it can hold us back from fully experiencing our journey as humans. What i mean by this is when we begin to call a place home we begin to identify with that palce and we limit are journey by connectiing certain feelings we get with home only to that particular location. What if we were able to disconnect the idea of having a home and just see the whole earth as home. In a way that is what RSD bootcamp instrutors must do in order to be fully present. Some of them move from location to location and they have the choice of missing home or learning to allow every new place they go to be home. In order for these instructors to fully enjoy and be present in these new locationg they must see each new location as home and not yearn to go back to the place they call home. Since the whole earth should be viewed as home and to long to be somewhere else would not allow them to experience the glory of that moment. One of deeper level changes i hope to integrate is this idea that home is everywhere. Look forward to you guys ideas on this and ways one can go about making this a reality. One thing i was thinking was after finishing my college, i would move to a completely new couttry for around 6 months and then move to another coutnry and continue this process until this soceity programming is uninstalled. How will i pay for ? That will just be part of the journey ;)

John Shine

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lets play human not ego

Hey what is up Mates!!!

Been a while since I wrote on here. Wicked busy but I am back and here to talk about being an ego less down to earth man. One of the keys to enjoying people I have found is enjoying yourself and not allowing false society pressures to be your pillar of strength. What I mean by this is allowing yourself to be human and that’s OK!!! We are taught by society that we have to be a certain image. I have chosen to name my false image man “Perfectionist Pete”. Perfection Pete is a big part of my ego which was made by my upbringing as well as by society. He is someone with Incredible social skills let me rephrase that perfectionist social skills. I want to break this down. These social skills imbue always having the right things to say, always talking smooth and knowing when to laugh and when not to. Pete has the ability to defuse situation in the most flawless way without loosing his cool. In Pete’s world there is never a dull moment he always knows what to do and what to say. He can defuse any situation with ease and women woo over him because of his ability to say all the right things and he never ceases to miss a great opportunity. Pete makes people laugh all the time and never ceases to give a damn about their response. Pete is 2 cool 4 school. Also Pete wakes up looking like he got out of a GQ magazine shoot. Now what are the problems with a human trying to be Perfectionist Pete? No let me go one step further and get real with you and tell my journey of trying to be Pete! For starters I wouldn’t go out because I was more concerned that I would not act like Pete and because of that I would be a failure. The times I did go out I spent more time in the mirror then I did in the club. When I got to the club, I would not speak much because I was too concerned that I would say something that looked nothing like Perfectionist Pete which would devastate my night. The goal of the night no longer was to enjoy people but to prove to myself and to others that I was perfectionist Pete and that my greatness was unfathomable. Well terrible NEWS!!! I am not pete and yes I did not capitalize his name on purpose. I am way different from pete and here is the good news I COUDNT BE HAPPIER!!!! I love the human element of conversation and being smooth bores the crap out of me. I find my conversation with people much more amusing because I am down to earth and I don’t put false beliefs on myself or on them. This allows me to be present and not get in my head concerning what I am thinking of myself or what others are thinking of me. I just let the moment take care of all that GLORY and enjoy them. Since I have nothing to loose but new experiences to gain, it has allowed me to really loved going out. One of the things I have especially enjoyed is actually listening to people and their ideas s instead of just judging and trying to muster slick responses to their statements and ideas. When I actually listen and have interest in their conversation, I find far less awkward moment and it seems that I never run out of things to talk about. Looks as I have found matter so very little that allot of times doing my hair I find a waste. In fact the nights I don’t do my hair are usually much more enjoyable because now there is no chance Pete’s greatness can be obtained ;) So to wrap this up guys begin to find out who your Perfectionist Pete is. A great way to begin to find this guy for me was to watch Tyler D blue print. He talks so much about to tear away from societies false beliefs that are installed in us. Another big idea he goes down is how for most of us are confidence is wrapped in materialistic thing or other people value of us instead of having inner confidence in ourselves. Tyler BP helped me realize how real Perfectionist Pete was in my life and how much of my life was being affected by this made up image. Last but not least Eckhart Tolle books have been a huge help as well they have allowed me to stop getting in the heads of others or my own and just living in the moment. So go out wherever you go be social and began to allow yourself and others to be HUMAN!!!!


Johnny Shine

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Time to get on my Grind

Sup Mates!!!
So its time to set some standards for my fitness level. Now I don't care to try to get that Arnold Body anymore. In fact i am not obsessed with getting huge muscles any more. I want a good balance between strength, endurance and speed. Lucky this is not to hard seeing how I understand my body pretty well and how to train right. So i am writing a set of goals i plan to reach. Now at the time I do not plan to put my weight goals because i am not sure where this will put me. I weight in right now pretty light at 175 so probably will weigh in at a tone 185. I plan to rep 80 pound dumbbells flat for 6 and incline 75 for 6. Flys 60 pound d umbels for 6 and of course peck decks for 65 at end of workout. Arms reps a solid 45 for 12 and repping 35 pounds on each side of barbells for 8. Triceps really don't matter seeing how they are naturally glorious power houses brewed from the heavens. My back i will workout but no goals here cause it naturally gets the strengths i want. Shoulders are the same as triceps they are naturally strong so no goals here. Strength wont take me long to achieve i naturally am strong. But endurance ohhhh BOY!!! I plan to run a 6:30 mile! I may even add a 2 mile goal to this will see but thats the max!! I am no cross county boy yes i use to be but well i was a chode!!! This use to be easy for me but not any more. Last is speed. This really is important because I want to improve on the basketball court. I plan to run the 50 meter in 8 seconds. This time may be fluctuated seeing as I really dont know if this time is reachable or easy. I don't care much for running but i am unusually quick at short distances. No pun intended ;). When it comes to training, 3 times a week lifting weights. I will be coming my chest workout with a light back workout. 3 chest exercises and 2 back. Arm day is arm day. And shoulder day is shoulder day it is possible that i put back with shoulders will see. Yes no leg workout instead on the bike and or running. Sprints when it comes to speed and practice on the bball court. Diet will be important to i will be doing around 2600 calories a day. Allot less then i use to but i got to big when i did more then that. Anyways to all my fellow Shiners you should make workout goals 2!! Its never to late to get in shape!!!!

Imortaility is yours!! TAKE IT!!

Johnny Shine

Monday, June 9, 2008

A cool calm colective Sunday Night

So tonight I just cleaned my house and got my stuff organized. There is something very rewarding about taking right action and getting WORK done . I have decided to do a crap load of weed eating this week in order to pay off my crazy LA experience. I have over the years learned to hate weed eating because I have done so much of it. But for some reason Eckhart Toles book A new heaven and A new Earth has been the front runner of my new way of thinking. And one of the things he talks about is learning to accept things you don't enjoy and through acceptance you can begin to experience enjoyment. So I have downloaded some Audio books the Harry potter ones and plan to listen to them as I grind on the weed eaters.
One thing that has been on my mind since this move from San Luis Obispo to Sacrmaneto is getting things off right. Which is the main reason i started this blog. This comming year I plan to hit the clubs allot more, play basketball quite a bit and get my body in tip top shape. Another thing is bless others in the areas i can.
Its interesting how as humans we like to develop a victim mindset about thigns but i really have nothing to complain about. I am so blessed with friends and kick ass family and I really see allot of the trials I went through in San Luis Obispo as a way God used me to make me sharper and see the beauty in the little things. My time in San Luis was nothing like what i expected. Instead of goin out with friends every weekend which is what i wanted I had no choice but to walk alone by myself allot of nights. Now at first I really hated this and it seemed things would never get better but as time went by I began to enjoy the little suttle things more. Maybee this was because I so rarely had anything big happen in my life. But I do know it has made me a much more appreciate person. I have what in natural game we call allot of Woo ( which is postive energy that comes from within) I really have solace to think for having that. When alone alot, you develop an appeciation for earth and the beauty it has to offer. I know that things are going to me allot more social in Sacramento but that lesson of appreciating the little things will never leave me and I have San Luis Obispo to thank for that.

Cheers Johnny Shine

Friday, June 6, 2008

Mastery By George Leonard and plans for J.S. Mastery

So I just read the book Mastery by George Leonard. This is an incredible book and helped me along my path. The things that stood out most to me were enjoying the practice not just the big game. I find this crucial because so much time will be spent practicing and you will never work towards mastery if you don’t enjoy this part. Also learning to enjoy plateaus, because they represent a certain level you have achieved. Allot of time is spent in plateaus so learning to enjoy them is key. I love the theory of homeostasis seeing how anything you try at first may seem wrong but it is really your body naturally reacting to change! This can be in the form of anxiety, out of breath, many different forms. Now that I realize it exists I can over come it. One of the things he talks about is energy. This hit me to my core because I always want more energy. It’s important to select a few things and begin to work on mastering them. To much and you waste energy and get no where. For me natural game is my front runner. I Love it because it pushes me so hard to become a man that takes what he wants and is free from giving a damn what others think of me. One thing I have decided to do is keep a journal of all my in field experience and plan to go out 3 times a week. I plan to keep track of the number of times I go out with the intention of doing an RSD boot camp every 80 times. This will allow me to have some form of coaching like the book talks about and this will push me towards always improving my game. I took certain passages out of the book that I found inspiring so enjoy.

17- How do you move toward mastery? To put it simply, you practice diligently,

But you practice primarily for the sake of the practice itself. Rather than being frustrated

While on the plateau, you learn to appreciate and enjoy it just as

Much as the upward surges

48-Goals exists in the future and the past, beyond

The pale of the sensory realm. Practice, the path of mastery,

Exists only in the present. You can see it, hear it, smell it, and feel it.

To love the plateau is to love the eternal no.

TO love the plateau is to love what is most essential and enduring in your life

55- IF you intend to take the journey of mastery, the best

Thing you can do is to arrange for first- rate instruction.

67-The best horse may be the worst horse. And the worst

Horse can be the best, for if it perseveres, it will have learned

Whatever it is practicing all the way to the marrow of its bones.

The person with exceptional talent: to achieve his or her full potential. This person

Will have to work just as diligently as those with less innate ability.

79-To practice regularly, even when you seem to be getting nowhere,

Might at first seem onerous? But the day eventually comes when

Practicing becomes a treasured part of your life. You settle into it as if

Into your favorite easy chair, unaware of time and the tubule of the world. It

Will still be there for you tomorrow. It will never go away

96- All I know, said Arnold, "is that the first step is to create the vision, because

When you see the vision there-- the beautiful vision-- that creates the want power. For example my wanting to be Mr. Universe came about because I saw myself

So clearly, being up there on the stage and winning. Inteitolaity fuels the master’s journey. Every master is a master of vision.

110- Homeostasis works to keep things as they are even if they aren't very good. Say you go running for first time in a long time. It starts to hurts. What you’re really getting is a homeostatic alarm signal- Bells clanging, WARNING! Significant changes in heart rate, metabolism. Whatever you’re doing, stop doing it NOW Homeostasis, doesn’t distinguish between what you would call change for the better and change for the worse. It resists all change.

114 - 118

Steps for Mastery

1. be aware of the way homostatstasis works.

2. Be willing to negotiate with your resistance to change

3. Develop a support system

4. FOLLOW a regular PRACTICE

5. Dedicate yourself to life long learning

120-A human being is the kind of machine that wears out from lack of use. There are limits, of course, and we do need rest and relaxation, but for the most part we gain

Energy by using energy. Often the best remedy for physical weariness is thirty minutes of aerobic exercise.

126- Truth telling works best when it involves revealing your own feelings,

Not when used to insult others and to get your own way. All in all, it has a lot going for it- risk Challenge, excitement, and the release of all of that energy

129-Ultimately, liberations come through the acceptance of limits.

You can’t do everything, but you can do one things, and then another and another. In terms of energy, its better to

Make a wrong choice than none at all.

138- Vanity- To learn something new of any significance, you have to be willing to look foolish.

140 -The quality of a Zen students practice is defined just as much by how he or she sweeps the courtyard as by how he or she sits in meditation. Could we apply this way of thinking to less esoteric situations? Could all of us reclaim the lost hours of our lives by making everything- the commonplace along with the extraordinary-- a part of our practice?


Break down of steps to mastery

1. Practice

2. Surrender- Surrender to your art. Letting go of outward behavioral patterns to try new ones .Can you let go of an outward behavior pattern without knowing exactly what will replace it? Are you willing at time to yield totally on some long standing dispute for the sake of growing and change in your relationship? Trick is learning to lose your ego without loosing your balance

3. Intentionally- To cultivate a positive attitude is to take a large step on the path of mastery.

4 The Edge The path of mastery is built on unrelenting practice, but it’s also a place of adventure.

A boring Fridayyyy Night......

So here I am in huge house all alone in a place i have not been for 4 years. I just moved from San Luis Obipo to Sacramento. I really dont know anyone here and it is a Friday and there is nothing I want to do more then go out with my friends to the clubs/bars. This sadly enough is not an option seeing as the only 2 people that I know that go out to bars and clubs (my wingmen) are not available tonight. Now I can sit next to my phone and hope something happens or I can accept and move on. Truthfully the first option looks better then the second. But taking right action is what i must do. Yes I could go solo to the bars tonight but I have not found enjoyment in this one yet. Yes i have tried it and I guarantee you eventually I will be at a point that I once a week do it but now is not that time. So now I have a boring night ahead i must make the best out of it.... What to do???? Lets see Blue Print by Tyler D is not a bad idea.. Read the book Mastery has been something else I have been meaning to do.... I guess I will start with these and see where they take me.... I wish there was some ultimatum at the end or some huge ephiny but really tonight like Eckhart Tolle says you must just accept your situation and like Tyler D says Take Right action... Is what it is

Johnny Shine

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Phase/Tier System .. How to be YOU And meet Lots of WOMEN

I built the Phase/Tier System about 4 years ago with my best friend Jeff. I built it when I moved to San Luis Obispo and knew no one. I didn't get why I coudn't get girls and so I went on a path of trial and error until i came up with a system that allowed me to be me and Get girls. This has allowed me to meet allot more WOMEN and helped me understand and build stronger relationships with ALL my friends.

I bless you with the Phase system

There are 5 phases- Each Phase represent a friendship level. So for instance your best friend may be ranked Phase 4. Another example would be a stranger you just met on the streets. They would be ranked Phase 1 friend and you would treat them accordingly to the TIER 1 rules.

There are also 5 TIERS- I will continue to keep TIER capitalized in order to not mix up with phase. TIERS are the way you should speak to a Phase friend. So for instance if you have a Phase 1 friend you should speak to them in TIER 1. TIER represents how deep your conversation is about your life and things of importance to you. The rule is you should not speak in a way that is higher Phase then your Tier is.. What I mean is if they are a Phase 2 friend the max level of conversation depth should be TIER 2.. But a cool thing is you can always go back to lower level conversation with a higher phase friend. Example a Phase 5 friend you can talk to in Tier 1 or 2, 3- 4----5 so all 5 TIERS of conversation you can use. But not the opposite SO you could not talk to a Phase 1 friend in Tier 5 conversation. This would come across way to needy and allows you oportunity to get hurt very easy.

This article will only talk about Phase 1 and Tier 1. I do this because these 2 concepts are by far the most important one when it comes to meeting women and making new friends with anyone. Seeing how they are so important I wrote a crap load on each of them and I don’t want you to get over whelmed.

Phase 1- These are new strangers. At least 90 percent of people you meet on a day to day basis are Phase 1. These people will almost automatically be dead to you after you speak to them. You will never see them again and if they died tomorrow you would not have a clue.

TIER 1- You should speak to Phase 1 people with TIER 1 conversation. This talk is all about amusing yourself. Don’t give a damn what they think and talk to them about things you find funny. DO NOT TRY TO ENTERTAIN THEM ONLY ENTERTAIN YOURSELF. For instance don’t ask needy question or questions you don’t care to have answered. IF you do you are being untrue to yourself and will not enjoy their conversation. Your question should be about things you find funny. For instance Why Godzilla never had a penis or why Oregon Trail the video game was so hard to beat!!!! You will look forward to their responses and this makes you happy and puts them in a relaxed playful mood. If you ask such question as SO.... What do you like???? This will make you bored and before you know it you will become a much less attractive person and both parties will separate ways. Let me show you the power of this. So you have lots of guy friend’s right. WHY so many guy friends?? When you first met your guy friend you didn’t give a crap if they died tomorrow, you wanted nothing from this so you talked to them only in a way that entertains you... The reason is you don’t want sex or most men don’t need anything from other guys so we talk only in a way that would entertain us. We could give a crap if they like us or not. The results the other person sees you as a much more enjoyable person and they enjoy your company and you enjoy theirs! SO you talk to them in a way that was entertaining for you. And they did the same for you. You built a friendship on Tier 1 humor and now subconsciously you gave them access to become a higher Phase friend. SO why don’t we do this with women. Well we meet a new Girl so Phase 1 friend and we try to talk to her in a TIER 3 or 4 or even 5 conversations. We talk to her like this because we find her attractive and we put dependency on the outcome. We get in our heads and try to entertain her instead of our self. We are being untrue to our self by asking questions we don’t care to even talk about. What results is she feels weird and you are not being entertained. So the friendship never had a chance because you tried to treat her and talk to her as if she was a Higher Phase friend. This answers the age old question of why do guys and girls click so well when they drink liquor. When you’re drunk you don’t give a crap about what you say any more. You find yourself only entertaining yourself. This means when you talk to girls you ask illogical question which you find humorous and the girls respond with playful entertaining responses. This lead down a healthy route that allows for a high Phase friend. Now by no means do I advise drinking to meet people but you can begin to adopt the mindset of entertaining yourself without liquor.

So remember a Phase 1 friend should be talked to only in TIER 1 conversation. You do not give a damn what they think of you and you are just looking to entertain yourself. I stress TIER 1 talk so much because this is how your friendship was built. And for most of us we want to make more friendship and being a master of TIER 1 conversation will open your world to LOTS of new friends. . Take some time now to reflect on your own friendship and see if there is allot of illogical humor built in. With my friend’s south park cracks, jokes about bestiality (YES JUST JOKES my animals are safe ;)) Jokes about perversion are always things we bring up all the time. Are friendship is built on this humor and the great thing we can always go back to it.

Intent of Mascularity

The way I see a man has changed so much in the last year. I'm here to talk about being a man with Intent. Intent is that churn you get in your stomach where nothing else matters but taking what you want. I relate this allot to women because as a man its easy to get passive and not man up and approach and physically escalate with a beautiful women. One thing i was showed by a good friend Natural Tim is picture the women that drives you wild. Build a descriptive view of her way. The way she walks, her personality, how she sees the world, and of course her looks. Mine has brown skin and is a brunette. She is only 5 foot 4 and her smile lights of the room. She is a extrovert but is not overly talkative. Her values are not ones taught by her family but after years of learning and testing theory. This gives her a sense of understanding of the world through her own eyes. She also is very touchy and adventurous sexually. She gets sexually excited in random places and is bold enough to physically escalate on me. She has learned to take what she wants and have that Intent. SO guys begin to build your own beautiful women and next time you are out and you seea gorgeous girl you want to approach allow that intent and drive to come out and go chat and always escalate physically!!!! When in doubt ESCALATE!!!!!!

Cheers mates

Johnny Shine