Hey what is up Mates!!!
Been a while since I wrote on here. Wicked busy but I am back and here to talk about being an ego less down to earth man. One of the keys to enjoying people I have found is enjoying yourself and not allowing false society pressures to be your pillar of strength. What I mean by this is allowing yourself to be human and that’s OK!!! We are taught by society that we have to be a certain image. I have chosen to name my false image man “Perfectionist Pete”. Perfection Pete is a big part of my ego which was made by my upbringing as well as by society. He is someone with Incredible social skills let me rephrase that perfectionist social skills. I want to break this down. These social skills imbue always having the right things to say, always talking smooth and knowing when to laugh and when not to. Pete has the ability to defuse situation in the most flawless way without loosing his cool. In Pete’s world there is never a dull moment he always knows what to do and what to say. He can defuse any situation with ease and women woo over him because of his ability to say all the right things and he never ceases to miss a great opportunity. Pete makes people laugh all the time and never ceases to give a damn about their response. Pete is 2 cool 4 school. Also Pete wakes up looking like he got out of a GQ magazine shoot. Now what are the problems with a human trying to be Perfectionist Pete? No let me go one step further and get real with you and tell my journey of trying to be Pete! For starters I wouldn’t go out because I was more concerned that I would not act like Pete and because of that I would be a failure. The times I did go out I spent more time in the mirror then I did in the club. When I got to the club, I would not speak much because I was too concerned that I would say something that looked nothing like Perfectionist Pete which would devastate my night. The goal of the night no longer was to enjoy people but to prove to myself and to others that I was perfectionist Pete and that my greatness was unfathomable. Well terrible NEWS!!! I am not pete and yes I did not capitalize his name on purpose. I am way different from pete and here is the good news I COUDNT BE HAPPIER!!!! I love the human element of conversation and being smooth bores the crap out of me. I find my conversation with people much more amusing because I am down to earth and I don’t put false beliefs on myself or on them. This allows me to be present and not get in my head concerning what I am thinking of myself or what others are thinking of me. I just let the moment take care of all that GLORY and enjoy them. Since I have nothing to loose but new experiences to gain, it has allowed me to really loved going out. One of the things I have especially enjoyed is actually listening to people and their ideas s instead of just judging and trying to muster slick responses to their statements and ideas. When I actually listen and have interest in their conversation, I find far less awkward moment and it seems that I never run out of things to talk about. Looks as I have found matter so very little that allot of times doing my hair I find a waste. In fact the nights I don’t do my hair are usually much more enjoyable because now there is no chance Pete’s greatness can be obtained ;) So to wrap this up guys begin to find out who your Perfectionist Pete is. A great way to begin to find this guy for me was to watch Tyler D blue print. He talks so much about to tear away from societies false beliefs that are installed in us. Another big idea he goes down is how for most of us are confidence is wrapped in materialistic thing or other people value of us instead of having inner confidence in ourselves. Tyler BP helped me realize how real Perfectionist Pete was in my life and how much of my life was being affected by this made up image. Last but not least Eckhart Tolle books have been a huge help as well they have allowed me to stop getting in the heads of others or my own and just living in the moment. So go out wherever you go be social and began to allow yourself and others to be HUMAN!!!!
Johnny Shine
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