So you want attraction all the time? Attraction from a women comes from the state you are in... If you are truly to your core happy in that moment then SHE WILL FIND YOU ATTRACTIVE! So how does this work in a deeper sense? A man that draws his energy and enthusiasm from within instead of from an outside sources will automatically get attraction. So i am going to give 2 examples of a natural happy MAN vs a FAKE HAPPY PUA man Fake happy PUA man 1. He sees girls and she makes eye contact with him. He smiles and walks over. He says Hey whats up im' Mark. She hesitates .... FAKE HAPPY PUA smile leaves for a second and so does his energy. She immediately looses interest and begins to blow him off... Shame on Fake Happy guy...... He got caught in a lie NOw my main man NATURALLY happy man 2. He is smiling way before he sees girl. This is his world and he is overwhelmed with enjoyment. He sees girl and his smile increases. He walks over and says hello Im Mark People mirror what others expect of them. Cheers and lets enjoy this abundant world Johnny Shine __________________ Tim LA Bootcamp Alumni 2008 May30- June 01 |
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