So tonight I just cleaned my house and got my stuff organized. There is something very rewarding about taking right action and getting WORK done . I have decided to do a crap load of weed eating this week in order to pay off my crazy LA experience. I have over the years learned to hate weed eating because I have done so much of it. But for some reason Eckhart Toles book A new heaven and A new Earth has been the front runner of my new way of thinking. And one of the things he talks about is learning to accept things you don't enjoy and through acceptance you can begin to experience enjoyment. So I have downloaded some Audio books the Harry potter ones and plan to listen to them as I grind on the weed eaters.
One thing that has been on my mind since this move from San Luis Obispo to Sacrmaneto is getting things off right. Which is the main reason i started this blog. This comming year I plan to hit the clubs allot more, play basketball quite a bit and get my body in tip top shape. Another thing is bless others in the areas i can.
Its interesting how as humans we like to develop a victim mindset about thigns but i really have nothing to complain about. I am so blessed with friends and kick ass family and I really see allot of the trials I went through in San Luis Obispo as a way God used me to make me sharper and see the beauty in the little things. My time in San Luis was nothing like what i expected. Instead of goin out with friends every weekend which is what i wanted I had no choice but to walk alone by myself allot of nights. Now at first I really hated this and it seemed things would never get better but as time went by I began to enjoy the little suttle things more. Maybee this was because I so rarely had anything big happen in my life. But I do know it has made me a much more appreciate person. I have what in natural game we call allot of Woo ( which is postive energy that comes from within) I really have solace to think for having that. When alone alot, you develop an appeciation for earth and the beauty it has to offer. I know that things are going to me allot more social in Sacramento but that lesson of appreciating the little things will never leave me and I have San Luis Obispo to thank for that.
Cheers Johnny Shine
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