Hey whats up guys
So i let the ego get the best of me today and feed my pain body. What started as a small frustration i allowed to build into a huge one. This took place because I began to complain to my friends in order to feed my ego. By complaining to my friend I feed their ego, which put my ego under the attack. This didn't fix the problem but only made me connect more painful emotion to the scenario which intensify my ego and allowed it to feed off the hurt which i was creating. In a way my friend and I's ego's were sparring and this brought nothing but unnecessary pain. My friend listed the ways I should improve which instantly brought out their ego and made mine feel attacked. I have no one to blame but myself. The great thing about this scenario is the learning experience which took place. It allowed me to see that feeding my ego by complaining may feel good at first but ends in misery. I've decided not to discuss my frustration or complains to my friends but instead mediate on them and accept them for what they are. What are these frustrations? Just moments in my life I'm not happy with. The best way to handle these frustration is to accept the unhappiness and come to the realization that one cant change them. The process is mediating on how the scenario made you feel and then accept that unhappiness. By accepting the unhappiness with the particular moment the ego can no longer get fed. This acceptance allows you to no longer connect yourself to the scenario which frees you of the pain. By accepting the pain and coming to acceptance with the scenario you are allowed to go back to the only place that really exist the NOW. I am glad this happen because it reminds me to be present and to not indulge my ego in past events which have no place but as memory's.
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