I built the Phase/Tier System about 4 years ago with my best friend Jeff. I built it when I moved to San Luis Obispo and knew no one. I didn't get why I coudn't get girls and so I went on a path of trial and error until i came up with a system that allowed me to be me and Get girls. This has allowed me to meet allot more WOMEN and helped me understand and build stronger relationships with ALL my friends.
I bless you with the Phase system
There are 5 phases- Each Phase represent a friendship level. So for instance your best friend may be ranked Phase 4. Another example would be a stranger you just met on the streets. They would be ranked Phase 1 friend and you would treat them accordingly to the TIER 1 rules.
There are also 5 TIERS- I will continue to keep TIER capitalized in order to not mix up with phase. TIERS are the way you should speak to a Phase friend. So for instance if you have a Phase 1 friend you should speak to them in TIER 1. TIER represents how deep your conversation is about your life and things of importance to you. The rule is you should not speak in a way that is higher Phase then your Tier is.. What I mean is if they are a Phase 2 friend the max level of conversation depth should be TIER 2.. But a cool thing is you can always go back to lower level conversation with a higher phase friend. Example a Phase 5 friend you can talk to in Tier 1 or 2, 3- 4----5 so all 5 TIERS of conversation you can use. But not the opposite SO you could not talk to a Phase 1 friend in Tier 5 conversation. This would come across way to needy and allows you oportunity to get hurt very easy.
This article will only talk about Phase 1 and Tier 1. I do this because these 2 concepts are by far the most important one when it comes to meeting women and making new friends with anyone. Seeing how they are so important I wrote a crap load on each of them and I don’t want you to get over whelmed.
Phase 1- These are new strangers. At least 90 percent of people you meet on a day to day basis are Phase 1. These people will almost automatically be dead to you after you speak to them. You will never see them again and if they died tomorrow you would not have a clue.
TIER 1- You should speak to Phase 1 people with TIER 1 conversation. This talk is all about amusing yourself. Don’t give a damn what they think and talk to them about things you find funny. DO NOT TRY TO ENTERTAIN THEM ONLY ENTERTAIN YOURSELF. For instance don’t ask needy question or questions you don’t care to have answered. IF you do you are being untrue to yourself and will not enjoy their conversation. Your question should be about things you find funny. For instance Why Godzilla never had a penis or why
So remember a Phase 1 friend should be talked to only in TIER 1 conversation. You do not give a damn what they think of you and you are just looking to entertain yourself. I stress TIER 1 talk so much because this is how your friendship was built. And for most of us we want to make more friendship and being a master of TIER 1 conversation will open your world to LOTS of new friends. . Take some time now to reflect on your own friendship and see if there is allot of illogical humor built in. With my friend’s south park cracks, jokes about bestiality (YES JUST JOKES my animals are safe ;)) Jokes about perversion are always things we bring up all the time. Are friendship is built on this humor and the great thing we can always go back to it.
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