Friday, October 30, 2009
So for me joining a fraternity has been quite difficult when my ego is in the mix. I get caught up in a popularity game. I want to be proud of who i am for my core cofidence not reaction from others. I am writing to remind myself to be a value gifer not a taker. Dont compare what others think of you. Just be who you are. Be a value giver. Dont do this for their reaction but because it was we are built to do. Their is nothin greater then offering value. No need to analyze what other think because you cant control that. You have to let go of the ego here. Cant control what girls like you. You have no control here. You only have control over liking yourself. THings i like?? Being geuine to myself, authentic, playful, make others feel good, investing in people that need that love, take right action in things i want, not wasting my time trying to control others thoughts about me. Just loving myself... This is my life journey and my concern is not winning the girl its winning me.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
How to kill state and live like a chode

DOnt trust state. analyze it! Analze yourself! create storys about yourself! Analzye others thoughts about you ! Put boudaries on your state such as i shoudnt act like this cause its not really me! Yea its not you because you are planning to leave the better part of you! ANALyze the open!! Analzye which girls like yoU! Continue to think what others think about you! Live yourself as a follower! Communicate to your friends that you are truely deep down a chode! PLan when you get home to leave state! Its only is needed when you want chicks! DOnt live your live epic for yourself! What about the enviroment! Trust me state has it! What about not having material to say! Trust me state has it wait YOU HAVE IT! WHen out of state what to do? Trust yourself and shut up! DOnt put boudares on yourself! Limiting beliefs! Anaylzing peoples reactioin to you! COntinue thinking so you live the shitty half of your life! Here is a better idea! STOP THINKING! Stop analzing! COnquer shit for your own purpose! DOnt try to hit state cause you natually are state! IT is not something you should try to get to ! YOU All ready are it! We have trained are selfs out of state! WOW GREAT WORK SOCIETY PROGRAMMING! ARE NA
TUAL FUCIN SELF IS STATE!! SO STOP THINKING of the ruels break free and be you! STATE takes crazy amount of forms hot/ semering coal all of them SO dont worry you will be what you need to be to enjoy yourself the most! HOW bout when your on dates!? STATE HAS IT!! STATE HAS EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO BE!! TRUST IT! You
You want LORDING!
YOu are not to give a DAMN what anyone on this planet thinks of you. IN STATE YOU TRUST You dont analzye. YOU TRUST that simply YOU GOT IT!! What is it.. Whatever is needed!!! You are not to give DAMN! what anyone on this planet or even FIN MArs thinks of you..... LORD IT!!! IN Fact blow analzying TRUST
Make options happen
SO my intent continues to grow like a man mad on crack. I see myself going more and more for the things i want. I am going to continue doing this with everyone. Not just one girl but all. There is not reason to not have at lease 5 great chicks in my life. Just got to call them up and get together.
man up bitch
man up bitch
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
SO what does a man do? HE literally goes after what he wants. He does do this in the future or plan it out. He takes it now! WAITING IFs for DAMN CHODES AND leaves to NOTHING. MAN up and take what you want! You want to see her! Dont wait for tommrow NOW IS the time! You want to talk to her WALK UP! YOU want her go take her! Let that man fire burn like a seeming coal! You want to kiss her? THen kiss her! Its yours you fall friend zone when you dont lack intent instead you dont let it rule you. TIME TO LIVE INTENT deluxe!
Life is one big celebration of your life! You dont dwell on your weakness. You make your life as awesome as you can for yourself. You do things not for others approval but because it adds to your adventure. If a girl is non interested then it would never work anywyas. This is your journey and you 2 are obviously un congrudnet for each other. So be the man you want to be!
My advenutre- PLayful as hell... I dont take to much serious but i love being able to switch into a deeper listening mode. Random adventures throughout the day! Business i take on! Yummy foods! USc football. Mastery of online poker. AWESOME girls deluxe. Over fuming amounts of postivity. Taking discipline when it comes to life to a whole new level. Loyallty to the point on no return. Kayak. Random trips all over the globe. Music to deeper connect myself to life. Intent driven! I go for what i want for the purest intentions. Social butterfly delexue. Awesome life and i love it
Imortaility is OURS take it!
Mark David Watson
My advenutre- PLayful as hell... I dont take to much serious but i love being able to switch into a deeper listening mode. Random adventures throughout the day! Business i take on! Yummy foods! USc football. Mastery of online poker. AWESOME girls deluxe. Over fuming amounts of postivity. Taking discipline when it comes to life to a whole new level. Loyallty to the point on no return. Kayak. Random trips all over the globe. Music to deeper connect myself to life. Intent driven! I go for what i want for the purest intentions. Social butterfly delexue. Awesome life and i love it
Imortaility is OURS take it!
Mark David Watson
Monday, October 19, 2009
My Masterpiece
When at a plateu, sometimes you have to rewind the clocks. The last 4 months i have heavily been analyings parts of my social dnamics game. From voice toine, body languae, intent, facil expression, energy level, enviroment, clothing and even the words comming out of my mouth. I did all this to fix some wholes in my social dynamics but now its time to start trusting myself again. For state devrives from being out of head and in the moment. This is what i have learned
There are 2 major communication channels and each has its use
1) Salesman/ Friend/ Parents/ Communication Channel
This channel is geared towards the other person. You subconscious work towards easing tension and pleasing the other person. You will use a shit load more facial expression in this channel and people will like you. You lead the conversation but its all about them. Your questions are aimed at letting the other person talk about themselfs. This builds trust and likability. This works very if you are comming into a huge group when attraction is not a factor
2. Attraction Mode
This channel is geared towards YOU! Its simple Self amuzment. You are non reactive to what others think of you and every moment is a celbration of you. In a conversation you are letting the girl game you as much as you are gaming her. You are attracting her for your fun. This is not for her its for you. She is applying the same stradegy for her self. You should have a leading frame here but not be controlling the conversation. You should slow down your energy once you began talking to her or she will feel the conversation is rushed. 2 cant vibe if ones on crack.
So is their a right mode or wrong mode to be in? No its just matters the scenario. When it comes to women, you want more of 2 then of 1. Of course you want to incomporate 1 in at a certain point especially the repoar part if you want a relatioship.
I see allot of guys eaither have one or 2. Very few have a awesome mix of both. I belive the most socially advanced guy have a blend of both. So for me my blend looks like " Walk up to the set smile "Hey whats up Im "MArk" shake hands . The bigger the social group the more of 1 will be necessary to keep them from hating you. 2 is used though to attract the girl! Remember if she is not gaming you! Your dead. So you need both to attract women. Group dnamics uses both but when its time for you and the girl. 2 is most crucial.
Example- When i got to gether with Danielle. She got burnt out of me because i just told her my stories. I never slow things down and let her game me!
+ Example- With Vi- In her car i just chilled and let her run things on me. I didnt control the conversation at this point. It was 2 people playing around
+ Example- Sarah and me. We didnt start in the repoar stage. We started in 2. I would game her and she would game me.
There are 2 major communication channels and each has its use
1) Salesman/ Friend/ Parents/ Communication Channel
This channel is geared towards the other person. You subconscious work towards easing tension and pleasing the other person. You will use a shit load more facial expression in this channel and people will like you. You lead the conversation but its all about them. Your questions are aimed at letting the other person talk about themselfs. This builds trust and likability. This works very if you are comming into a huge group when attraction is not a factor
2. Attraction Mode
This channel is geared towards YOU! Its simple Self amuzment. You are non reactive to what others think of you and every moment is a celbration of you. In a conversation you are letting the girl game you as much as you are gaming her. You are attracting her for your fun. This is not for her its for you. She is applying the same stradegy for her self. You should have a leading frame here but not be controlling the conversation. You should slow down your energy once you began talking to her or she will feel the conversation is rushed. 2 cant vibe if ones on crack.
So is their a right mode or wrong mode to be in? No its just matters the scenario. When it comes to women, you want more of 2 then of 1. Of course you want to incomporate 1 in at a certain point especially the repoar part if you want a relatioship.
I see allot of guys eaither have one or 2. Very few have a awesome mix of both. I belive the most socially advanced guy have a blend of both. So for me my blend looks like " Walk up to the set smile "Hey whats up Im "MArk" shake hands . The bigger the social group the more of 1 will be necessary to keep them from hating you. 2 is used though to attract the girl! Remember if she is not gaming you! Your dead. So you need both to attract women. Group dnamics uses both but when its time for you and the girl. 2 is most crucial.
Example- When i got to gether with Danielle. She got burnt out of me because i just told her my stories. I never slow things down and let her game me!
+ Example- With Vi- In her car i just chilled and let her run things on me. I didnt control the conversation at this point. It was 2 people playing around
+ Example- Sarah and me. We didnt start in the repoar stage. We started in 2. I would game her and she would game me.
Friday, October 16, 2009
2 types of ways to communicate
1) Around people that have won your validation/ to make feel comfortable. Smile tons. give approcal even when it is miscalbriated. Show instrested no matter ow boring it is.
2) People who you want to be receptive to you. Girls and Groups.... Smile but slow it down/ speak with conviction/ dont be looking for response/ swager to voice/ loud at times/ keep stories short and sweet. smirks such as cocky mark smirk/
1) Around people that have won your validation/ to make feel comfortable. Smile tons. give approcal even when it is miscalbriated. Show instrested no matter ow boring it is.
2) People who you want to be receptive to you. Girls and Groups.... Smile but slow it down/ speak with conviction/ dont be looking for response/ swager to voice/ loud at times/ keep stories short and sweet. smirks such as cocky mark smirk/
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Learning to tone it down
From what i am seeing i have to tone my energy down. Still bring enthusaism but literally slow things down. When i talk, dont rush to the end. Let pauses happen or i will be MR.entertainer. Dont try to control the conversation so much. LET Other people tell their stories. Rember its not what you say its the sub commonications. The eye contact, the smeling the enjoyment. To much talking is Mr. Enteraner man. Pauses in your talk and slow it down. In a way you almost want to add a style to your talking. So communicate like your their to inspire, to let people into your private world. Clark is a good example of this. Paues in his voice a tad bit of recervation yet curiously in his voice. In a way you are welcoming people to your party but making sure they are value givers back. .. You dont do this by talking quick or being loud at certain moments. Its pauses in your speaking. My brain computes much faster then most so its imporant for me to let things sink in to others. Story telling lots of pauses and talk normal speed but loud. Less words but keep emphasis.
For higher social inteligence people not as much nodding of the head. This looks needy and almost seking rapport. SO CHILL. Talk slower. DOnt be looking for where to take the conversation. Dont smile constally in the set. This gives the impresion that you are just happy tha tpeople are talking to you. The word chills means dont rush it. Just enjoy the present. SO main points slow voice, stop tring to control conversations, pauses in voice to let others talk and compute, speak with convictions, talks with CONVICTION "Means you belive it in your reality CLARK CRUSHES at this", Sub communication "the eye contact", the voice tone, making her chase u, dont look for reaction in your voice
Speak slower and more convicting. Do this by saying less but what you say is more imporant. Dont look for reactions in your talks.
For higher social inteligence people not as much nodding of the head. This looks needy and almost seking rapport. SO CHILL. Talk slower. DOnt be looking for where to take the conversation. Dont smile constally in the set. This gives the impresion that you are just happy tha tpeople are talking to you. The word chills means dont rush it. Just enjoy the present. SO main points slow voice, stop tring to control conversations, pauses in voice to let others talk and compute, speak with convictions, talks with CONVICTION "Means you belive it in your reality CLARK CRUSHES at this", Sub communication "the eye contact", the voice tone, making her chase u, dont look for reaction in your voice
Speak slower and more convicting. Do this by saying less but what you say is more imporant. Dont look for reactions in your talks.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Happy about me
I was sitting in my bed with ten pound eye lids over comming my body and then it hit me. I need to write a blog about me. I have been told by allot of people that i am way to hard on myself. I have decided to write this on the thigns i love about myself. 1) I am a wicked social dude.... I am really tative and really have no enemies 2) I am the most loyal friend on the planet. I would do anything for a friend 3) I offer value to people i meet. I cheer up those who are down. 4) I am assertive deluxe. Every girl i know i feel so comforetable hugging and enyoying 5) I am a harrrrd worker! 6) I put my heart into everthing i do 7) I have great communication skills. I am able to relate and make people feel at ease 8) I am able to run a group like its nothing 9) Able to tell stories 10) people enjoy being around me 11) I am able to bring the party by myself.... I am going to start seeing that people want to be around me no matter whay i feel or do. I am not being fake with people. I am genuinely being me and people are respodning great. This is not a pua self that they are seeing this is genuinly me. I am loved by girls and guys. I am living an abudant life. I swear to not anlyze what people think of me anyone. it does no good and trufully it is blown WAY OUT of portion. I SWEAR this NOW! MY MISSION IS TO GET OUT OF MY HEAD when it comes to what others think of me. I for a long time did not have this problem but i became miscalirbated. THIS IS NOT THE CASE ANY MORE. I AM NOT ENTERTAINER MAN AND I AM RESPECTING the rules of the enviroment. I am not allowed to anlyze what others think of me. I am only to be aware in the moment of how people react. I SWear this is my new rule.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The core to social dynamics
The core to social dynamics
1. State - 2 forms inner confidence or exterior confidence mission is derive state from inner confide. State = happy in moment and non reactive
2. Callibration - 3 forms of calibration
1. Enviroment- Adapting to your envirorment, clothing, energy level,
2. Social- Talking in a way that is enjoyed by both parties. includes voice tonaility, stories, ext...
3. Sub communciation- "Vibing", Body language
How does calibration happen? Through your Social values. Your social values are the way you belive the world views its value. It is the range of values you are open to discussing. Example i will listien to a dude talk about cheating on his girlfriend but i myself would never do it. A person with a broad range of social values will be able to get along with more people because they are open to more things. Social values are derived from refrence expereince. Being around lots of people. How this applies to the 3 levels of calibration are 1) Enviroment- You understand what energy level the group has and what they expect and you are able to meet that expectation 2) You talk about things that are socially accept and talk in a way that gets the reaction you want 3) You calibrate your body in a way you belief the world expect out of you. "you woudnt talk to someone facing the other way, you know this cause of your social values".
Value normal- Your beliefs this can be such things as stances about abortion, religion, sex, and other debatable things.
Your social values usually trumps your normal values in social setting since you are just listening to their values. You may not agree with the social value but you realize its their opinion and you prefer to not create social tension. Conflict happends when your normal value stance trumps your social value. So you feel that you must defend your value since it it greater then keeping the social vibe going.
Deep emotional bond happends when both your normal values are congruent with each other. This is for deeper relatioships.
1. State - 2 forms inner confidence or exterior confidence mission is derive state from inner confide. State = happy in moment and non reactive
2. Callibration - 3 forms of calibration
1. Enviroment- Adapting to your envirorment, clothing, energy level,
2. Social- Talking in a way that is enjoyed by both parties. includes voice tonaility, stories, ext...
3. Sub communciation- "Vibing", Body language
How does calibration happen? Through your Social values. Your social values are the way you belive the world views its value. It is the range of values you are open to discussing. Example i will listien to a dude talk about cheating on his girlfriend but i myself would never do it. A person with a broad range of social values will be able to get along with more people because they are open to more things. Social values are derived from refrence expereince. Being around lots of people. How this applies to the 3 levels of calibration are 1) Enviroment- You understand what energy level the group has and what they expect and you are able to meet that expectation 2) You talk about things that are socially accept and talk in a way that gets the reaction you want 3) You calibrate your body in a way you belief the world expect out of you. "you woudnt talk to someone facing the other way, you know this cause of your social values".
Value normal- Your beliefs this can be such things as stances about abortion, religion, sex, and other debatable things.
Your social values usually trumps your normal values in social setting since you are just listening to their values. You may not agree with the social value but you realize its their opinion and you prefer to not create social tension. Conflict happends when your normal value stance trumps your social value. So you feel that you must defend your value since it it greater then keeping the social vibe going.
Deep emotional bond happends when both your normal values are congruent with each other. This is for deeper relatioships.
State can be flawless powerfull if you know the rules
Being in state is wicked powerul. When in state you are out of your head and you are the giver of great emotions. The thing is its important to know the social rules while in state. What i mean by this is just because you are in state does not mean you can act any way you want in a night club. Their are still enviromental rules and to ignore these is miscalibrated and down right rude. Examples of this was when me and my boys would go to the park "Lounge'. We would walk in that joint and literally look like a blazing fire ball. We didnt feel out are surrodings and adjust our state to the enviroment. This allot of night ended with us becoming a taboo in the night clubs. I am not saying that a blaze of fire would not work but it would have to be in the correct setting. Such as a bar where people are drunk off their ass. The counter arguemnt will come from the more advanced guys that say Dont think just self ammusze and let state take care of the rest. I would argue that when you know certain rules you will calibrate your state subconcionsuly to be in a manner that is apporiate for the enviroment. For instance while in state i recongnize at times i am talking to fast. I will slow down my talking but not loose state. I recongnized a social rule and adjusted it. Same thing with a night club. I think the reason many dudes that study this state stuff have troubled with normal days time lifes because they have misinterpreted state. Live in state but the more social norms you subciciusly know the more calibrated you will be.
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