Hey Guys
Been doing allot of soul searching latey and i going to be blunt and honest I am a computer addict. I dont watch to much tv but I might as well throw it in. I really didnt realize how bad it was until i started thinking about why i have trouble ammusing my self in sets. My world is wrapped around wasting a crap load of time doing nothing. I literally spend a huge! chunk of my day playing on the computer and finding dumb shit to laugh over or searching for a get rich scam on the net. Also i watch a crap load of south park! Its a bunch of junk that doesn't benefit me or allow me to bless others. So i am going to be honest when i say I am a computer addict. SO now its time to take action but where to start? I am going to start by not allowing myself much time on a computer. I am going to only use the computer when i have something i need to get done. This will elimate all the blank space that gets used trying to figure out how to enterain my self on the computer. So i am no longer going to use the computer to enteratin me but instead as a tool to get work done. I have also decided to stop playing online poker. I am a profitable player but it does nothing good for me. I might as well spend that wasted time doing something in the real world. I am also thinking about building a site for fellow people that are TV/Computer addicts to help keep motivated on quitting this addiction. I know it sound dumb but i have realized this is a serious issue for me. If i want this world of traveling, abundance, and incrediable expiereinces i need to get off my ass and starting creating them!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Trying for Rapport
So i am going to keep this short and sweet,
It is easy to try for Rapport when you go out allot. Not just in your voice tone but when you talk to
people. Do not let this take place! It is needy and it will not get you results. Jeffy's number one rule
Is do not give a damn what anyone thinks. This rule is used in order to elimanaite the need for repoar which will help one get massive results.. I find I seek repoar in allot sets.. I try to to get them to like me instead of not giving a shit.This is not a rule that elimaites ones from finding common thing to talk about. By not seeking valiation it makes the other person have to put work into the converation so you dont have to carry it which always leads to bad things. SO screw seeking repoor and AMuse yourselfs
Johnny SHine
It is easy to try for Rapport when you go out allot. Not just in your voice tone but when you talk to
people. Do not let this take place! It is needy and it will not get you results. Jeffy's number one rule
Is do not give a damn what anyone thinks. This rule is used in order to elimanaite the need for repoar which will help one get massive results.. I find I seek repoar in allot sets.. I try to to get them to like me instead of not giving a shit.This is not a rule that elimaites ones from finding common thing to talk about. By not seeking valiation it makes the other person have to put work into the converation so you dont have to carry it which always leads to bad things. SO screw seeking repoor and AMuse yourselfs
Johnny SHine
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Week of in field GLORY Exp.....!
So been hitting the clubs around 3-4 times a week. This article is built to focus on the areas i need to work on in field.
First thing is energy levels. I need to work on a energy level that others can relate to and that i feel comfortable being at. The last 2 nights i have really focused on my energy by lowering it. I have enjoyed this allot more and my sets are more 50 v 50 instead of me giving 95 and them giving 5. I am going to continue working on my energy level.
Second thing is being genuine when i am in a set. What i mean by this is allowing me to be myself and express where i am at in that particular moment instead of trying to be something i may not be. For example if i am having a blow out night walk up to a set and embrace it and say I have no friends. It it much more fun for me to talk about this and it seems to have a positive effect on sets. The key i have found is when you say this be playful with it. When being genuine, you begin to treat yourself as number one. This has a great effect on your sets because you are no longer looking for validation which makes you more playful. Also when I am not genuine, i find i come off as entertainer guy which is the last dude i want to be!
3rd thing is humor. I need to work on just amusing myself in sets instead of trying to humor the girls. When i try to humor them, it comes of needy and leads me down a road of lameness. SO self amusement is huge. I also want to find ways i can amuse myself more in sets. I will be looking to find some cool stuff in field and write a whole article on this.
4th thing is pushing my sets harder. I have had a couple example where i should of kept plowing on my sets or hell it went really well and i could of closed if i kept pushing it. I need to take advantage of these opportunities. I think allot of times i don't because i get use to opening so many sets and I get use to the same routine of open hook and then ...... And when it goes past there you forget the mission is not done ;) So push my sets harder
Anyways more to come mates enjoy!
Johnny Shine
Monday, July 14, 2008
How the ego gets fed by complaning
Hey whats up guys
So i let the ego get the best of me today and feed my pain body. What started as a small frustration i allowed to build into a huge one. This took place because I began to complain to my friends in order to feed my ego. By complaining to my friend I feed their ego, which put my ego under the attack. This didn't fix the problem but only made me connect more painful emotion to the scenario which intensify my ego and allowed it to feed off the hurt which i was creating. In a way my friend and I's ego's were sparring and this brought nothing but unnecessary pain. My friend listed the ways I should improve which instantly brought out their ego and made mine feel attacked. I have no one to blame but myself. The great thing about this scenario is the learning experience which took place. It allowed me to see that feeding my ego by complaining may feel good at first but ends in misery. I've decided not to discuss my frustration or complains to my friends but instead mediate on them and accept them for what they are. What are these frustrations? Just moments in my life I'm not happy with. The best way to handle these frustration is to accept the unhappiness and come to the realization that one cant change them. The process is mediating on how the scenario made you feel and then accept that unhappiness. By accepting the unhappiness with the particular moment the ego can no longer get fed. This acceptance allows you to no longer connect yourself to the scenario which frees you of the pain. By accepting the pain and coming to acceptance with the scenario you are allowed to go back to the only place that really exist the NOW. I am glad this happen because it reminds me to be present and to not indulge my ego in past events which have no place but as memory's.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Lets stop training and go EXPERIENCE !!!
Whats up people!!! I have began to live by a new way of thinking when it comes to going out or even learning skills or even fitness. I don't see things as training any more but instead as experiences. I have found that when i view something as training i don't enjoy the experience as much and the focus is all on results instead of new experiences. I find that when i view things as training, i began to put a perfectionist mindset on myself and I miss out on times I could of enjoyed if i stooped focusing on the goal and just enjoyed the experience. Let me give you an example of what i mean by this. When i would go out to clubs, I viewed all interaction with others as traning instead of new experiences.. Allot of nights regardless of how well or not well I did I was disappointed in myself and really didn't enjoy people because i was more focused on my GOAL then on the experience. I didn't come out to enjoy people but instead to reach a GOAL that secretly i knew would take me years of painful grinding to achieve. The problem ive found with this mindset is that I thought that once all the painful training was done i would be happy because i had reached that GOAL. Well if you have ever studied martial arts, lifted weights, or even social dynamics you know that the path is never ending. You are always learning new things in your field and to belive their is a ending to your path is foolishess. When you view things as tranining, you dissalow your core man to truely belive that the vision of greantess you have formed in your head can be you. Instead you plan to reach a certain level and then walk away happy with some results. In a way you vision yourself as a poser that can leave someones elses art at any time. I have seen this allot in guys that study pick up. They make goals of getting so many hot girls and then finally their quest can come to an end. The goal was actually just an ego boost instead of a change in their coreman. I can speak on this because this use to be me. I would go out 3 nights a weekto train with the ulimate goal in mind. Truthfully I didn't believe to my core that i was good with women i just belived i could manpulate them into beliveing i was. My problem was simple i was looking for a quick fix because i didnt enjoy my journey since it had all these goals that i could never meet with the mindset i had! So i saw pick up as a quick fix with the intentions of boucing out as soon as i recieved a certain level of validation. There was 2 problems in my particular scenario. For one i viewed going out as pick up instead of just social dynamic (but this is not the article to get into that) 2) I hated everything to do with pickup since my coreman new i was being fake with people and that this was not me. This goal mindset disallowed me to belive this journey could continue my entire life because deep down i belived this would just be another stage of life that i would eventually give up on. When i let go of the traning and just saw going as what it truely was an experience true enjoyment began to come my way. This new mindset has allowed me to love going out and my social skills are growing by leaps. Now as imporant as it is to see things as new experiences do not use this mindset to become lazy!!! but instead as a new way to think So to sum this up lets began to see things for what they truly are new experiences and I firmly believe through seeing thing as experiences enjoyment will come and we will adopt these things as part of our life style instead of a quick fix program.
Cheers to Glorious Times
Johnny Shine
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