Monday, July 6, 2009

social dynamics

Recap what i know... I am not a fan of looking for outside advice in this area since i feel i have a great udnestanding and creating my style my way is the only thing left to do.

I am adding to this as i see fit

1) HAve fun ( this means do the things you truely want to do.. Dont go to an event to be social go because it makes you feeeeeeeell gooood..
2) voice tone br or nr ( Never Tr voice tone)
3) Be relatable not in a tr way but so people can relate.. i have become to much better at allowing people to get to know me
4( leading frame
add on- Dont tell storys about things you dont care to talk about instead its ok to have a silent moment... You dont want to fall into entrainment man which happens so easily when you are trying to block silent moments
5) man with intent- take what you want dont hesitate
6) friendly
add on - Truely what trumps everything is how you feeeell... Example last night i went to a social gatherning... I didnt feel good or care to be there... Result was borning conversation and no fun

Question is what to do when in these- 1) rember why your here (to have fun not social dynamis) 2) dont take yourself seriouslyyyy!!! its ok your going to have awkward moments 3) Dont force yourself to do things you dont care to do for the name of socialiation 4) DOnt talk to fast in these conversation just chillll... CHILLL.... CHILLLLLLLL.. CHILLLLLL

7) let your true desires dicate your own action not the influence of others or an ego
8) Its better to have 1 awesome girl like you for you then 50 like you for something your not
9) more is not always better
10) look for a playful persoanlity
11) look for adventerous mindset
12) look for optimisium
13) look someone who is loving
14) value giver
15) loyal all the way
16) loves god
17) enthusatic about life
18) easily relatable

We always talk about improving ourself at a certain point its are turn to have expectations that people must be met. I am no longer a dude with an unabudnat lifee. I am a down to earth guy that seeks value giving people in his life. I dont have time for value takers.



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