Whats up mates!
Its been quite a while since I wrote on here. I am here to talk about what I see as the key to ALL social dynamics.
I have taken a break from the night clubs scence and I have been anyzing the most important things I have learned in this year and a half. I have been been tediously looking in all the wrong spots. I have wasted time analyzing conversations and breaking apart the way I touched women and everything else. I keep trying to find the pinpoint of what caused my most enjoyable nights. Was it the way I broke rapport as I open? Was it the way I smiled as she tried to make fun of me? Was it the way I made a quick remarks which turned into illogical conversations about Aladin? Was it the way I slowly seduced her body by constantly talking to her? As I dug deeper into these questions, I began to get worried if I would ever be able to duplicate these scenarios. Finally after listening to a hynposis tape and spending a long hour in the bath did I find the answer I was looking for. These things happened because I went out to have FUN! Fun creates creativity and leads to all the crazy stories that me and some of my best friends have got to enjoy. When I go out to have fun, everythng else takes care of its self.
I have made a mission this upcoming college semester to get allot more involved in the community. My mindset originally was to sharpen my social dynamic skills. This is no longer the case! I am getting involved in the community because I love spending time with people and being involved. I don't enjoy being a hermit in my house for long periods of time. I enjoy meetign all the unique humans this planet has to offer and I want to meet AS many as I can. I want to build relationships with these people and let them get to know me!
I belive that trust in yourself is related to fun. At this point, you could say I have approached well over 2000 groups. How in the world did I never have lines and get them to enjoy interacting back with me? It comes down to me having fun. I didnt need a line because I was enjoying the moment and they happened to pass me. I didn't analyze what I said or give a crap if people wernt going to like me. I was my own party and that was sufficient. There are plenty of times I doubt myself and ask myself “Can you do it again?” This question from now on is trumped with “You feel like having fun”? Fun is the key to social dynamics. Were not here to impress girls, or strangers, were here to enjoy are selfs.
FUn i belive should be the leader any any skill set you choose to learn. If you are not having fun, then you should question why your learning the skill. Fun drives us to get better but relives the stress out of the process. Quote "MW"
FUN is the key to devleoping any skill..
In dedciation to Baxtur Bailey “A 65 rogue on everquest bristlebane server”
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