Monday, March 2, 2009

A honest night

Well its 3 in the morning and im not ready for bed. I feel so burnt out lately. I dont know what it is but i just lack any enthusasim. I have started my martial art traning and really enjoy it. A piece of me just always feels behind. Its like if its not school its lack of poker time. if both poker and school is up to date, its a lack of hitting the night clubs. If i have done all 3 its lacking working out. I geuss i just feel pressured to do so much. As you can see, my thoughts in this paper are unorganize. I dont feel like organizing anything. I dont understand what is going on. I geuss i just need some lone time. I plan to turn off my phone on monday and talk to no one. I also plan to get my work done and then mediate for an hour. Tyler suggested this so i will give it ago. I plan to do allot of peaceful alone time. I need it . I plan to also take a night walk.. I havent done one of these in a while and its imporat for me to soak in my alone time glory. Also i feel my ego beggining to get involved in my pick up journey. I am begging to compare myself to others instead of learning and enjoying others strengths. This comparion comes to an end.
Anyways im off to bed


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