Just got done reading a post by Ozzie. He talks about the importnace of assertivness but what exactely is assertivness. Assertivness is leaving your mark. He dicuses saying statments instead of questions. Not trying to fill in the quiet moments because you should trust that what you said was worth being disucces. You make statments and you do not care abou tthe reaction. They key speak but do not try to impress. Quote Ozzie
Most guys struggle to fill in the gaps of a conversation with girls. In my case, I want to say my bold statement, something I really feel like saying and let them talk.
It is very counter intuitive because most guys find it hard to stop talking after they say something bold. They feel they must “explain themselves”, more like “apologise themselves” for having a spine. I force them to shut up and listen to the girls. It works. This single exercise here is responsible for most epiphanies on day 1 on my live program. Guys cannot believe what just happened. They expressed themselves honestly around a girl and the girl loved it.
DO this
Monday, March 30, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Glory times in the clubs
I had a ephinay in the clubs. I went out to have fun. No mindset of pick up, just pure fun. If a group was not fun for me then i left. I didnt work for validation i didnt give a crap for it. I did what i wanted. I didnt beg to be enjoyed i just enjoyed myself. I took what i wanted and expected people to enterain me as much as i was enteraning myself. I found myself the value and anyone wanting to get in the way of that was going to get blown. For instance when i was chatting with a cutie at the bar i grabbed her and whisper things in her ear Or tell her to get closer.. ANother example was the first group of girls i talked to, they were boring so i told them they were and walked away. I didnt ask instead i just lead. Felt great and had a good time. Yes their is typos deluxe.
Website learning exp

Dograkeback is my first privately owned website. I am learning a ton but in the process i am creating unnecceary stress. The facts are the website is going to take a long time to perfect. At the moment, most of my application are falling through. It is going to take many failures before the balance is semi perfect. I need to accept this and not get frustrated that my product is not perfect. I need to take my own constructive cristism instead of figthing against it. The reason i am great at poker is because i am ok with making mistakes because i am willing to learn off them. I need to take the same approach to the website. I am going to create a list of things that need to be done. I am going to limit myself to one fix a day. Also no more checking my email hoping new players have signed up. I am going to balance my life out with the web site. Main form of advertising is in game and on 2+2 form. No need to waiste time on most other forms of advertising.
Pure Exhaustion
I feel unrested. I have been studying for my midterms, working on my website, and playing online poker. I enjoy doing all 3 in moderation but the balance is way off. I am behind in school due to laziness. I have been doining 4 90 min study sessions a day to catch up. On my break time i have been working on my website. I am giving myself very little rest time from work. My work is my job but it needs to be in moderation. I am going to moderate each of these and when i take breaks money or will not be involved.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Disipline in School
I am going to keep this short and to the point. School has become a burden on me due to laziness and not taking right action. I am going to cut messing around and do 2 90 minute sssions of studying a day. No distractions straight grinding!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Vision board of success
I am at a turning point in my life. I am a tad bit scareed yet there really is nothing to be scarred of. I feel myself wanting to hide instead of pushing myself.. This fearful mindset comes to an end. The next phase of focus for me is building a social cirle. This week i am going to hunt for activites i can be apart of. I am tired of my life being focused on night club activites only. Getting my socialization only through night clubs is not healthy. I am realzing there is more to lfie then just meeting random chicks. I want there to be more comfort in my life when it comes to sociablity. This will not happen if i depend only on night clubs. I am going to began to put myself first when it comes to want i want socially. If i dont want to go out i wont. I will hang out with who i want regardless if my other friends dont like them. I am done listening to others bicker about the people they dont like. I am no problem solver just another dude enjoying his life. ALl forms of gossip are dead for me. Starting tommrow i am creating my vision board of succes!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Day time self actualization
The facts are this: My comfort zone is night time. This ends now. I have been avoidning day time socilization for quite some time. I am trying to understand the day time (me). What i am writing does not define me but rather gives me an idea of what i would enjoy most of the time. For one i am more calm yet happy. I enjoy the calmness and the realness of my self and others. At night i am usually excited as hell for the stimulation which i love but in day time i like things slower paced. I wont talk as loud as night clubs and i will break rapport much less! I will chat with people walking next to me like they are another cool ass human on this beautiful planet we call earth. I am not trying to impress but instead enjoy the beauty of other humans. I will begin approaching 3 girls a day. I dont have lines just pure calmness and enjoyment. Here i go again :)
The key to this? Dont think just be. NO head space! I love it. ALready feel the glory. life is so awesome!!
Yours truely ALWaYS you and I MARK
This is the pillar of flawless natural game. Instant attraction. You cannot control what she is feeling, but you can control what you are and your experience.
It is empowering to know that if you express yourself to the right tune, feel good, genuinely trust yourself and live a perceptually fulfilled life women will never be far away.
The key to this? Dont think just be. NO head space! I love it. ALready feel the glory. life is so awesome!!
Yours truely ALWaYS you and I MARK
This is the pillar of flawless natural game. Instant attraction. You cannot control what she is feeling, but you can control what you are and your experience.
It is empowering to know that if you express yourself to the right tune, feel good, genuinely trust yourself and live a perceptually fulfilled life women will never be far away.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
On the Watson Path
Tonight has been a glorious night. I got back to the path which is most important my Own. I broguth my own party and opened my own sets. I did not relly on a wing but was blessed to have one. It was a glorious night. I have been elimnating win loose scenrarios from my life and the balance i have been discussing is happening. I am nothing but cheers and smiels tonight. Yes i met some gloriously awesome chicks but more imprant i was on my path and had fun!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Feeling the flame
A day of chill. I was wicked productive today and i gave myself plenty of alone time.
The resut? I feel awesome. I stayed out of my head and just enjoyed the day. Stayed away from the drama and soaked in a beautiful day.
:) Mark
The resut? I feel awesome. I stayed out of my head and just enjoyed the day. Stayed away from the drama and soaked in a beautiful day.
:) Mark
Monday, March 2, 2009
A honest night
Well its 3 in the morning and im not ready for bed. I feel so burnt out lately. I dont know what it is but i just lack any enthusasim. I have started my martial art traning and really enjoy it. A piece of me just always feels behind. Its like if its not school its lack of poker time. if both poker and school is up to date, its a lack of hitting the night clubs. If i have done all 3 its lacking working out. I geuss i just feel pressured to do so much. As you can see, my thoughts in this paper are unorganize. I dont feel like organizing anything. I dont understand what is going on. I geuss i just need some lone time. I plan to turn off my phone on monday and talk to no one. I also plan to get my work done and then mediate for an hour. Tyler suggested this so i will give it ago. I plan to do allot of peaceful alone time. I need it . I plan to also take a night walk.. I havent done one of these in a while and its imporat for me to soak in my alone time glory. Also i feel my ego beggining to get involved in my pick up journey. I am begging to compare myself to others instead of learning and enjoying others strengths. This comparion comes to an end.
Anyways im off to bed
Anyways im off to bed
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