So who am i? I am a man on a mission..... I am congruent with my inner desires as a man.. I am a leader it it makes me hard... IT is what i was put on this planet to do... I was not put here to look for Validation or WAIT for daddy to give it to me... My own approval is overwhelming sufficient and its mine ! When i go into a set... There is a burning flame that has been lit all day.. As i open my mouth, the flame momentarily takes a more fierce form.. I cant help it! My body, mind and spirit knows that i am doing what so few real men have had the balls to do. Take what is mine! The flame soon turns into a seemering hot coal.. Her body cant help but lean in towards me. There is nothing that she desires more then to be taken by a Man. She constally test my congurenecy. I am oblivous to these test because they are less then a whisper in my head. I pull her over to the corner and began to enjoy the deeper roots of her. I allow her to do the same to me. No over the top illogical statment, just peer POUDNING OF Passion! Our eyes are locked like 2 life forces that are only allowed 1 more minute together. SHe opens her mouth for quesitoning. THis is not the moment for that. I grab her hair and pull her torwards me. She smells so good... and in this moment she is all mine. We lip lock and thrust are pelvises together. What has only been 1 minutes seems like a lifetime, I pull her to my car " The chariot of Destiny" .. The night will lead to the one gift that only humans have the pleasure of truely enjoying. THis night will not end with one winner and one looser. Just 2 humans that listenined to their inner desires.