Sunday, May 12, 2013


As a Christians  i lean towards the liberal side of some hot issue. I have no issue drinking liquor and using strong language in front of others.. In fact I believe its part of my ministry that direct people towards Christ.

The heart of my ministry is shattering peoples beliefs not so they debate with me but they go head to head with Christ. Our culture has  multiple stereotypes of "what a good Christians should look like. One of these stereotypes is a  white collar, white male, who is passive, never wants to offend and who avoids liquor at all cost. The tragic part is none of these things describe "Christ"

Any time you break a stereo type it challenges peoples belief..... In fact Jesus was a master of breaking society beliefs.. Why was the first miracle Jesus performed turning water in to wine??? I believe Jesus wanted to go to war with society beliefs and challenge people at their core... What Jesus was communicating to them was if you have a problem with a belief of yours "come to me, study me, talk to ME!!!" The most tragic verse in the bible is....

 Matthew 7:22-23 Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?'Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'
Look carefully in 22 when they say "We"..The We is them working with their pastors, friends, community groups leaders who did great things in Jesus name.. Then in 23 Jesus says but i didn't know YOU! 

In each of our fallen nature the natural tendacy is to put our hope in the people we look up to when our beliefs are challenged .. The problem is they are not Christ. ! How often do we talk to Jesus about our beliefs and how often do we study God's word to find the answer???  Lets take a look at Jesus life.. Jesus cuts straight to some very controversial topics. Jesus shakes up everyone beliefs when he works on the Sabbath! It amazes me how the old testament is covered in God having people stoned for working on the Sabbath and then Jesus walks onto the scene and first thing he does is works on the Sabbath  Why would he do that??? Jesus wanted to challenge peoples beliefs... Jesus wanted to SHATTER their identity ? Why shatter an identity?? You cant come to Christ until you realize that your old ways our not God's way. That your old identity is a fat lie!!! Jesus has to hit us at our core in order for us to allow him into our hearts.. Even after your saved Jesus will continually do this.. and yes it hurts but its good!!!

Why do people get defensive over their beliefs? Allot of people make their identity through their beliefs .. The idea of having one of their beliefs shattered would wreck their identity .. The great part of being in Christ is Jesus is going to constantly go to war with our old beliefs because he is constantly renewing our mind and changing our beliefs....

My ministry is simply to point people to have a one on one with Christ. One of the most powerful ways to do this is to shatter their reality of what a "stereo typical Christians should look like" I believe that is the heart of Christ!

Gods View

How does God View things?
God does not view missing the mark like we do..... God is either with you or against you....

Either you are an adopted Son of God's or you are a son of the devil..

Hence the flesh= Your fallen nature and you follow your papa Satan

Spirit= Your perfect nature and you follow your ABBA Jesus!

Either you are  damned or Saved.... There is no middle ground....

Before you are saved you are a son of the devil.. Your nature is evil... You are engulfed in complete darkness.. You reap death in your life and others..... You literally can’t help it... You are a slave to all that is evil...

God gives us the law to show you your fallen nature... God gives you a mirror of what you are.. Until you had this mirror you had no idea you were fallen..

At this point you need help!!!!!

You see through the law and God's word that you are Gods enemy.. You are trapped in your own sin and you will have to pay the price... You have no hope in yourself....

Luckily there is good news! Christ!!!!

In order to get saved you must ask God to forgive you for the mess you have made and ask Jesus to give you a new life and to put his life giving Spirit in you

Once you have Gods Spirit in you... You are saved and God no longer looks at your flesh... He looks at your new spirit! In fact now God is with you at all times!!!!!!

You can no longer sin in God's eye... He can’t see that sin...

Just because you are saved doesn’t mean you don’t have tons of areas that are still in pure darkness…

Imagine 100,000 pieces of your soul each in their own  dark pit covered with their hand up hoping that God will grab hold of each of them.. This is a taste of whats happening in your soul... The great news is he is now taking them one at a time and bringing each out of the darkness..  This is why the darkness and light don’t get along... They are complete opposite... One produces life the other produces death.... 

Why repent to God after you are saved? The idea that you can make God mad after your saved is ludicrous... That would cover up what Jesus did on the cross..

You repent because you are surrendering an area of darkness to God to have his spirit take control of you in that area... A parent cant work on their kids until their kids surrenders to their parents.
We day to day repent not to satisfy God’s wrath but to allow us to be set free from the darkness our old life sowed...

The spirit is in constant combat with the flesh until we die and at that point... The spirit in Christ is our full identity .. We no longer have a diseased flesh and we can live out our true identity ... To reflect Gods amazing nature...