Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Deeper down the rabiit whole

WHy on a depper level analying a women thoguths towards you make no sense... 1) You really dont know 2) you are now question yourself and recreating your image for her ... look were not sales people 3) You will change your behvaionrs in a bad way because you wont be in allignment with your self.... REMBER this.... THe moment is the only place you live.. Unless you see a terrible reation in the moment YOUR GOLDEN!!!

If you want to change a pattern..... Due what Todd told me... Work on one thing a week... Like this week i have told myself... Be more phycial..... I am learning to calibriate it more and more.. Rember with learning comes trial and error... When errors happen.. Dont let this effect you ... You should have your head up as high as usal because your congruent with yoru true life mission.... TAKING RIGHT ACTION!!

Ephiney DELUXE!!

Feel good! Alright so an old belief that made me so happy i have tossed away lately and its back! Look as a man its your job to be the shit! To be the man of action.. The man of awesomeness! His validation is not found through people or things. He is what he is and he takes right action for the love of his life..... Its very easy to belive that a women would help build this path... The facts is you should not dependendent on anything when it comes to this path... So to go deeper down the rabit hole... Getting inside a womens head to try to find hapiness is a terrible way to live.. See if you are being congruent on your path.. Then you will have women chasing you... Now i am not saying you dont take right action to meet them.. What i am saying is that because your strenth is alligned with yourself ... you naturally will be more attrarcie... An old weakness i use to have was analying A women thoguhts towards me... This is terrible for 2 reasons... 1 women our much more emotional base creatures.. they switch their process compltelly... Trying to anayzle her thoguhts towards you makes no sense because they arnt logical... So a logical brain trying to figure out a emotion brain wont work.. So don't try.... 2) A man is then seeking the approval contally of a women.. He is trying to see if she likes him or not instead of beliving the truth ... He is the shit.... See when he seek approval we are not being congruent with our true man path. TO lord life.. but in order to do that we must break apart from approval seeking and live life epically. Now obviously if you are way off the social mark you sometimes have to study things to get everything back in prospective.. But you need to study how women work not one women... See the differnce.. You are learning healthy patterns that make you congruent as a man.. WHen you obsee over one women now you are just seeking her approval to make you into a man...

Friday, February 19, 2010

A clear path......

I find myself having some difficultites..... My pick up ego still exsisist... So how do i sever it? I cant.... :( I just have to realize it as my ego... I must always go back to what i truely love... Women... I am not here to be the best or impress. I just want to experiece and enjoy women .. I truely love everything about them :) I feel it would be healthy for me to not go out with Chris due to past hurt and lies... John is a healthy path for me... Look i am going to have it come up .. Its part of my destiny.. I must disconnect though what others think of me in this area.. I MUST disconnect what others think about me in this area.. It is ego.. I am on this world once and there thoguhts or my thoughts about their thoughts about me dont matter. Let go :)

Now lets go enjoy gods gorgeously beatiful... Smelling good, smiley playful... creatuers.. Women :)

Ohh i find when people bring up my women world or i give some coaching.. My ego comes out... Just realize that its my ego... I dont have to live up to any standard.. Instead i just need to live in the moment :) you cant destroy ego... Just dont have a relationship with it ....

A limiting belief

I worry myself allot that i will fall into Entertainer man again.... Trufully i coudnt be farther from the truth... I have leaned how to switch gears and be that high value guy all the time... Like Todd says its a mix between both Bradd Pitt charachters from Meet Joe Black....
Let me do an example of back in the day vs now

I would be high energy and get attraction... I would continue be a social but i would not let her offer to the conversation.. Any silent points would be quickly filled by me in a hope that should would like me... my mission was to try to hold her attention...

Now days
I can be high energy... But i am doing it because thats is what i feel like at that moment... I quickly switch to the calibrations when i am in social groups.. I may be a tad above it but i am far from their entertainer... The girls is constally getting dismissed... push pulled and eye fucked galore... It is true i rock the party on my own boat but its the boat to be on... Its not the boat that people fear...

So rember difference now between back then is.... I dont have to be high energy... I know when to calm down... Most of the times i am calming down because that is more enjoyable for me... I do it cause then i get to know her... I am showing allot more intent... NOW days i expect her to fill in the conversation.. See before i thought i had to do all the talking... I completelly disagree with that...

Facts are is i rock a different boat then Todd. Mine is a little higher energy but now i have it much more calibrated....

Dont worry about entertainerman.. You are far from him :)


Monday, February 8, 2010

A demon t hat needs to be dealt with

I am so hard on myself. No matter what outcome a snecario has i seem to think that i suck. This may route from not having a gf in some time. Whatever the reason is this has to come to an end. I find with the girl i crush on i analze everything. I can't just say i am good enough. Well i cant live like this anymore. This month is not about improving myself> Its about enjoying who I am. I am not going to feel guilty the nights i have nothing to do. I am not going to fiugre out if i on accident bragged or insulted her. I have no control over these things. I just wanted to date her so badly that i have lost my idenity in trying to get it at times. I am going to not be hard on myself. I am not going to worry what my frat bros think of me or what the prospects think of me. Truely i don't control over any of this. I am going to begin to find all the reasons i like me. I am going to meet new women and not think about my crush. It does no good :( I am going to just enjoy myself and my life.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A way to remove social guilt

So something that i really struglle with is social guilt. I always come out of social setting feeling like i fucked something up. Usually i accsde myself of being enteratiner man. Let me discuss the easiest way to remove these thoughts. First thing is change the way you think. Meeting people is not for their enjoyoment it is for me. I am not here to see if they like me.. This will lead to a needy mindset. My mindset instead if do i enjoy talking to you. Do you carry a conversation? Do you make me laugh? Can you flirt? Can you make the interaction more fun for me? If they cant do these things then fuck them.. Never try to entertain people. Instead bring your fun and if they don't add to it then get the fuck out.... THis usually looks like ... Me being talktive then momre quiet as i wait for them to add to the conversatio.. Part of the vibe they create is whatmakes me feel like being flity ext... It is a must that they add just as much value to the conversation.. To try to guide people because they suck socially is fucking retared... dont do it... Instead enjoy your frame and if they dont add value.... then bail.... It doesnt hurt to be dismmisive as well if they are boring you or just dont talk..... Overall never and i repeat never again feel guilty in a social setting. Fuck what others think of you and enjoy your world of humans that make lke fun for you..

