Monday, November 16, 2009

Being a more calm and cool individual

There is pattern in my life with group and girls. I become there entertainemnt and dont get the chicks. I find this happening again and i am going to fix it.

I am going to become a more calm individual. I want this for my life. I am going to continue to run groups but with a much more calm energy. I am finding my issue with energy is rooted to the fact i feel like i constantlly need to be doing something. I dont need to do anything. Let what is be exactely what is.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Deep idenity level change

Im reazling its not about the girl, its about yourself. THat deep ass idenity level change. I am finding i am making content into my idenity. I am choding with a girl that i have blown way out of proprotion. Reminder: Life is my party i am a value giver not taker. Simply stop trying to take and be a giver.